
Payment Policy

Mobishop Accepted Payments Policy

Mobishop wants to ensure that the marketplace offers buyers an array of safe, appropriate, and convenient payment choices for the marketplace.

For listings on Mobishop India:

  • Must offer PayPal as the one of the Payment Method in their listings
  • Sellers with less than 20 listings since registration can offer only Online payments through PayPal as the payment method (Note: Sellers cannot offer any other payment option other than PayPal ) in their listings. Cash on Delivery can only be offered by sellers who've enrolled to Mobishop Cash on delivery program. 

As described in our safe buying guide, Mobishop strongly encourages sellers to offer payments through PayPal  – PayPal  is not only convenient to use, but it also offers buyers and sellers industry-leading protection against fraud and fraudulent chargeback's.

From time to time, as new payment services arise, Mobishop will evaluate them to determine whether they may present trust and safety concerns and are appropriate for Mobishop. Payment services that are not permitted on Mobishop may, in fact, be outstanding services for consumers in other contexts. Mobishop’s evaluation relates only to whether a particular service is appropriate for the Mobishop. Mobishop will consider the following factors, among others, in making its determination:  

  • Whether the payment model offers substantial financial, privacy and anti-fraud protection for buyers and sellers.
  • Whether the payment model raises the potential for confusion among Mobishop users, or involves incentives that may present fraud concerns.
  • Whether the payment model involves precious metals, or other non-cash (points, miles, minutes, coupons, discounts) as consideration.
  • Whether the payment service has a substantial historical track record of providing safe and reliable financial and/or banking related services (new services without such a track record generally cannot be promoted on PayPal).
  • The identity, background and other business interests of the payment service sponsor.
  • The license/regulatory status of the payment provider in the countries where it provides payment services.

Offline payment methods generally do not offer the same level of protection or convenience as online payments.

Permitted Payment Options on Sellers may offer to accept payment through below mode:

  • For the first twenty listing from the time of seller’s registration, PayPal is the only payment option.
  • PayPal should always be one of the payment option for any transaction(s).
  • PayPal Cash on Delivery i.e. PayPal  COD (for sellers enrolled on PowerShip only)

Permitted Payment Options on other Mobishop site i.e. other than shall be allowed/ governed as per the specific site policy.

Not Permitted Payment Option on Any Payment Options other than the Permitted Payment Options described above shall be considered as not permitted payment option and shall be considered as violation of this policy and actions, as mentioned below can be initiated against seller(s) for the violations. Buyers who pay through any payment method other than Permitted Payment Options, those transaction(s) shall not be eligible for coverage under Mobishop Guarantee*. Example of some of the not permitted payment options are as follows:

  • Cheque, Demand Draft, Cash on pick up, Mail cash
  • Instant cash transfer services (non-bank, point-to-point cash transfers) such as Western Union or Moneygram
  • Deposits in Seller’s Bank
  • Direct Transfer of money to Seller’s or Seller’s offered Bank Account without using PayPal
  • Paying with Virtual or Cryptocurrencies

The above list is merely indicative and not exhaustive

Sellers should not request payment through any method other than those mentioned as “Permitted Payment Option” above. In addition to the above, please see the “Some Examples” section of this policy for those evaluated payment services prohibited on eBay.

Misleading and Discouraging Payments

Sellers who state in their listing that they accept certain payment methods should not selectively offer those payment methods to buyers or discourage buyers from using those payment methods.

This means that sellers must always accept payment from buyers through the payment methods they have selected in their Payment Details section of their listing, including PayPal , and must not act in any way to discourage buyers from paying by these methods.

This policy is not only limited to communications made in listings, but also includes all correspondence between a seller and buyer that relates to an Mobishop transaction.

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions including:

  • Listing cancellation
  • Forfeit of Mobishop fees on cancelled listings
  • Limits on account privileges
  • Loss of PowerSeller status
  • Account suspension